Eco Warriors

The Eco Warriors Club at Ajeenkya Dy Patil University is a dynamic group of environmentally conscious individuals committed to promoting sustainability, conservation, and environmental stewardship. Through advocacy, education, and action, we strive to raise awareness about pressing environmental issues and inspire positive change within our campus and community.

Vision: To cultivate a community of passionate environmental advocates who are dedicated to protecting our planet, preserving natural resources, and fostering a sustainable future for generations to come.

Mission: To empower members to become proactive agents of change by promoting environmental awareness, implementing sustainable practices, and advocating for policies that protect the environment and promote ecological balance.


  • Raise awareness about pressing environmental issues, such as climate change, deforestation, pollution, and biodiversity loss, through educational workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns.
  • Initiate and participate in environmental conservation projects, such as tree planting initiatives, waste reduction programs, and habitat restoration efforts, to promote ecological sustainability and protect natural ecosystems.
  • Advocate for environmentally responsible practices and policies within the university and local community, such as promoting recycling and waste reduction, advocating for renewable energy sources, and supporting environmentally friendly transportation options.

Club incharge: Dr. Aiswarya Dash