Chef’s Club

Chef’s Club at Ajeenkya D Y Patil University is where culinary enthusiasts gather to explore the art and science of cooking, sharing their love for food and culinary creativity. From mastering classic techniques to experimenting with innovative recipes, we provide a platform for members to strope their culinary skills through hands-on workshops, cooking demonstrations, and gastronomic adventures

Vision: To cultivate a community of passionate chefs and food lovers who celebrate the joy of cooking, share their culinary expertise, and inspire others to explore the world of gastronomy.

Mission: To provide a dynamic and inclusive environment where members can learn, experiment, and collaborate in the kitchen, expanding their culinary repertoire and fostering a culture of creativity, collaboration, and culinary excellence.


  • Organize hands-on cooking workshops and demonstrations led by professional chefs and culinary experts, covering a wide range of cuisines, techniques, and culinary trends, to enhance members' cooking skills and knowledge.
  • Host cooking competitions and challenges that encourage members to showcase their culinary creativity, innovation, and presentation skills while providing opportunities for friendly competition and culinary exploration.
  • Arrange culinary tours, food tastings, and gastronomic adventures to explore different culinary cultures, cuisines, and food traditions, allowing members to broaden their culinary horizons and gain inspiration from diverse culinary experiences.

Club incharge: Prof. Harrashad Kaamble