
Ph.D Program Vacancies List @ 2024-25

The list below outlines the anticipated vacancies for the Ph.D. Program in the academic year 2024-25, categorized according to each faculty. Providing valuable insights into the potential openings across diverse disciplines, this comprehensive list aims to facilitate the planning and recruitment processes for the upcoming academic term.

Doctoral Research Program Vacancies List for AY: 2024-25

School of Engineering

Sr. No Specialization Vacancies Number of supervisors
1 Biotechnology 21 4
2 Biomedical Engineering 4 1
3 Mathemathics 7 1
4 Mechanical Engineering 12 2
5 Computer Science & Engineering 8 3
6 Robotics Engineering 4 2
7 Physics 8 1
8 Food Technology 4 1
9 Bioinformatics 4 1
School of Management

Sr. No Specialization Vacancies Number of supervisors
1 Entrepreneurship & Innovation / Strategic Management 6 2
2 Human Resource Management & Organizational Behaviour 6 2
3 Marketing Management 16 3
4 Financial Management 4 1
School of Law

Sr. No Specialization Vacancies Number of supervisors
1 Law & Governance, Criminal & Constitutional Laws 1 1
2 Labour & Industrial Laws, Human Rights & Administrative Laws, Constitutional Laws 2 1
3 Intellectual Property Rights 4 1
School of Liberal Arts

Sr. No Specialization Vacancies Number of supervisors
1 Economics 9 2
2 Sociology 4 1