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Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre
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National Service Scheme
Designation: Assistant Professor
Teaching Experience: 10
Brief: Mr. Sameer Agrawal, a devoted Mechanical Engineer with a decade of teaching experience, brings a profound passion for education and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. His teaching philosophy emphasizes cutting-edge methodologies to inspire and engage students in a dynamic learning environment. His Ph.D. research focuses on UAV Kinematics and Aerial Navigation, aligning seamlessly with his passion for robotics and the potential to revolutionize autonomous aerial systems.
Research Publication: 1. Sameer A. Agrawal, Ashish M. Umbarkar, Nitin P. Sherie, Ashish M. Dharme, Dharmesh
Dhabliya, Statistical study of mechanical properties for corn fiber with reinforced of
polypropylene fiber matrix composite. Materials Today: Proceedings.
2. Nitin P. Sherje, Sameer A. Agrawal, Ashish M. Umbarkar, Ashish M. Dharme, Dharmesh
Dhabliya, Experimental evaluation of Mechatronics based cushioning performance in
hydraulic cylinder, Materials Today: Proceedings.
3. S. Kulkarni, P. Bodade, A. Hetkar, A. PAtil, S. Agrawal, Design and Development of
Damper for Semi-active Suspension System, International Journal of Future Generation
Communication and Networking, July 2020.
4. S. Agrawal, N. Sherje, A. Umbarkar, Design and Analysis of Compressor Base Frame for
Weight Reduction, International conference on “Recent Advances in Interdisciplinary
Trends in Engineering & Applications (RAITEA-2019), Feb 14th to 16th 2019.
5. R. Dev, A. Patil, A. Neve, M. Badgujar, S. Agrawal, Design and analysis of Multilink
Patient Robot, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Volume 6
Issue 4, April 2019.
6. P. Bhutada, P. Chopda, P. Bhansali, R. Chandak, S. Agrawal, Design and Manufacturing
of Vertical Axis Wind Turnine, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative
Research, Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2019.
7. Agrawal, Sameer, and Neelam Agrawal. “Recogniition and Speech Conversion of Devnagri Script using CNN.” 2023 2nd International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON). IEEE, 2023.
Key Publication: 1. Agrawal, Sameer, and Neelam Agrawal. “Recogniition and Speech Conversion of Devnagri Script using CNN.” 2023 2nd International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON). IEEE, 2023.
LinkedIn Profile : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sameer-agrawal-260a9885/
External Link: 1. Orcid Id: 0000-0001-6260-0181
2. Scopus Id: 57210538101
3. Google Scholar Id: peJw2SQAAAAJ
4. Vidvan Profile: