Dr Vijay Ganpat Dhamore

Designation : Associate Professor

Teaching Experience : 14 Years

Industry Experience : 3.2 Years

Brief Profile : Working in academics since a decade with a zeal for teaching to Post Graduate Management Students.Speciality is in the Marketing and Operations Management domain.Involved in Continuous research work in National and International Journal and Publications.Involved in NAAC and NBA Work for various Institutes.Guiding & helping the youth with energized and motivated thoughts.

Research Publications : 1. Dr. Vijay Dhamore and Dr. B. Balaji (2018), “Customer engagement and trust in virtual retailing: Implications for E-tailer Affinity”, International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science (IJRMSS), Volume 6, Issue 1 (I) : January – March 2018. ISSN:2322-0899. [Journal No-48996, UGC Approved Journal, Impact Factor-3.42].

2. Vijay Dhamore (2017) ,‘A study of customer Loyalty and its impact on Purchase Intention in Online Shopping’ at 9th International Conference CHECKMATE 2017 ‘Creating Competitive strategies to lead Paradigm Shifts in a dynamic business environment’. Conference held on 11 Feb.2017, Allana Management Journal of research. ISSN:2231-0290. [UGC Approved Journal].

3.Vijay Dhamore & Dr.B.Balaji (2016), “Engaging customers through Social Networking site: Prospect for Make in India” at CHECKMATE 2016: 8th International Conference – Making India a Global Manufacturing Hub: Myth or Reality? Allana Institute of Management Sciences, Pune, Feb.26-27. Allana Management Journal of research.ISSN:2231-0290. [UGC Approved Journal].

4.Vijay Dhamore & Dr.B.Balaji (2015), July-September. “Customer Engagement, Social Media Influence and Loyalty in Online Retail Servicescape”. International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review[IJBARR], vol. 1, no. 11, pp. 200-206. [Print ISSN:2348-0653] [e-ISSN:2347-856X]. [UGC Approved Journal, Impact Factor- 3.072].

5. Vijay Dhamore & Dr.B.Balaji (2015) “Beyond traditional word of mouth: A study on customer engagement through social networking sites in Pune city“, CHECKMATE 2015 7th International Conference on ‘Building Competitive Advantage through Innovative Strategic and Management Practices in Business’, Allana Institute of Management Sciences, Pune, Feb 21. Allana Management Journal of research. ISSN:2231-0290 [UGC Approved Journal].

6.Vijay Dhamore & Dr.B.Balaji (2013) “Customer-based Antecedents for Online Customer Engagement”,at International Interdisciplinary Conference on Recent Trends in Commerce, Management, Engineering, Technology and Social Sciences in International Journal of Advanced in Management ,Technology and Engineering Sciences, Choice college of Art, Commerce, Pune, Feb 25.,Vol. -II, Issue-5 (IV).ISSN:2249-7455. Pages 56-59. [Serial No-47955, [UGC Approved Journal, A Peer Reviewed /Refereed Journal, an ISO 7021:2008 Certified Journal (IJAMTES), Impact Factor-6.3].

7. Vijay Dhamore & Dr.B.Balaji (2013) “Social Networking Sites and Customer Engagement”, An International Conference on ‘International Marketing in Asia Pacific Issues and Challenges’ (ICIM), GRD College, Coimbatore, March 7-8. Abstract Published in a book. ISBN:978-93-5104-903-6. Page 13.

8.Vijay Dhamore (2011) “Marketing in the Internet Era”,B-Shastra International Journal of Management.,at Merc institute of management.Vol-II,Issue-II,March,ISSN-2229-2010,63-66.

Key Publications :

1. Vijay Dhamore & Dr.B.Balaji (2016), Customer Engagement in E-tailing: Antecedents, Outcomes and Implications, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research [IJABER] (Scopus Indexed), vol. 14, no. 8, pp.5477-5488.30 and 31 Mar.2016 [ISSN:0972-7302].

2. Dr.Vijay G. Dhamore,Dr.Jitendra Bhandari and Prashant S. Adsule (2021), Impact of Covid-19:Role of Strategic E-Learning System,ECS Transactions, Scopus Indexed ,107(1) 2847-2857 (2022)

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