Dr Ravi V. Gandhi

Designation: Assistant Professor

Teaching Experience: 9 Years

Industry Experience: 3 Years

Brief: Dr Ravi V Gandhi earned his B.E. and M.Tech degrees in Instrumentation and Control Engineering from Nirma University, Ahmedabad. He has completed his Ph.D. in Control Systems and Applications at Nirma University, India, supported by the prestigious Visvesvaraya fellowship. With a rich academic background, he furthered his expertise through post-doctoral research at Ghent University, South Korea, and IIT Gandhinagar, India. He is a prolific researcher with authorship of over twenty articles in renowned international journals and conferences. With more than fifteen years of combined experience in teaching, research, and industries, he profoundly understands nonlinear system control, power systems, PID controllers, optimization, and intelligent control.

Research Publication: 1. R Gandhi, SB Masikana, G Sharma, E Çelik, “Design and Robustness Analysis of Multiple
Extended State Observer Based Controller (MESOBC) for AVR of the Power System”,
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 2023.
2. R Gandhi, D Adhyaru, G Sharma, PN Bokoro, “Dual-Extended State Observer-Based Feedback Linearizing Control for a Nonlinear System with Mismatched Disturbances and Uncertainties”, Energies 16 (7), 3142, 2023.
3. R Gandhi, A Jha, K Bhavsar, “Intelligent and Conventional Methods for SoC and SoH Estimation”,IOT with Smart Systems: ICTIS 2023, Volume 2, Springer, 2023.
4. S V. Gandhi, M. Thakker, R V. Gandhi, “LABVIEW Software for Design and Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization tuned Controller for the Climate Control of Greenhouse System”, 6th Int. Conference on ICT for Intelligent Systems, pp. 399-413, 2023, Springer.
5. S V. Gandhi, R V. Gandhi, and M T. Thakker, “A Decoupler Assisted Optimized Controller Design for Greenhouse System”. Int. Journal of Automation and Control (IJAAC), Vol.16, No. 6, pp. 670-688, 2022.
6. R V. Gandhi, and D M. Adhyaru, “Hybrid Extended State Observer Based Control for Systems with Matched and Mismatched Disturbances”. ISA Transactions, pp. 61-73, Vol. 106, 2020.
7. R. V. Gandhi and D. M. Adhyaru, “Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy regulator design for nonlinear and
unstable systems using negative absolute eigenvalue approach,” IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 482-493, March 2020.
8. R V. Gandhi, and D M. Adhyaru, “Design of Intelligent Stabilizing Controller and Payload Estimator for the Electromagnetic Levitation System: DOBFLC Approach”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1221, Springer, 2021.
9. R V. Gandhi, and D M. Adhyaru, “Hybrid intelligent controller design for an unstable Electromagnetic Levitation System: A fuzzy interpolative controller approach”. International Journal of Automation and Control (IJAAC), Vol. 13, No. 6, pp.735-754, 2019.
10. R V. Gandhi and D. M. Adhyaru, “Fuzzy Tuner Based Modified Cascade Control for Electromagnetic Levitation System”, Australian & New Zealand Control Conference, 2019, pp. 104-109, 2019.
11. R V. Gandhi, and D M. Adhyaru, “Simplified Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Regulator Design for Stabilizing Control of Electromagnetic Levitation System”, Innovations in Infrastructure. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 757, pp 93-103; 2019, Springer.
12. S V. Gandhi, M. Thakker, R V. Gandhi: LABVIEW Software for Design and Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization tuned Controller for the Climate Control of Greenhouse System, 6th Int. Conference on ICT for Intelligent Systems, pp. 1-13, Springer (Paper Accepted).
13. R V. Gandhi, and D M. Adhyaru: Design of Intelligent Stabilizing Controller and Payload Estimator for the Electromagnetic Levitation System: DOBFLC Approach. 8th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications (SOFA-2018), Romania; September 2018, Springer.
14. R V. Gandhi, D M. Adhyaru, and J. Kasundra: Modeling of Current and Voltage Controlled Electromagnetic Levitation System based on Novel Approximation of Coil Inductance. 2018 IEEE 4th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics, New Zealand; April 2018.
15. R V. Gandhi, and D M. Adhyaru: Pre-Fuzzy-PID Controller for Effective Control of Electromagnetic Levitation System. IEEE Indian Control Conference 2018, IIT, Kanpur; Jan. 2018.
16. R V. Gandhi, and D M. Adhyaru: Feedback Linearization based Optimal Controller Design for Electromagnetic Levitation System. IEEE, ICCICCT-2016, Tamilnadu, India; July 2017.
17. R V. Gandhi, and D M. Adhyaru: Optimized control of boiler drum-level using separation principle. IEEE, Nirma University International Conference on Engineering, Feb. 2014, India.
18. R V. Gandhi, and D M. Adhyaru: Stability analysis of a pendulum based system using contraction analysis. Nirma University International Conference on Engineering, IEEE, 2011.
19. R V. Gandhi, and D M. Adhyaru, “Novel Approximation based Dynamical Modelling and Nonlinear Control of Electromagnetic Levitation System”. International Journal of Computational System Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp.224-237, September 2018.
20. S V. Gandhi, R V. Gandhi, and C S. Dalal, “Parameter Based Transient Response Analysis for Pendulum System Using LabVIEW”, International Journal Of Engineering Development And Research, Vol. 2, No.1, pp.268-273, 2014.

Key Publications: 1. R Gandhi, SB Masikana, G Sharma, E Çelik, “Design and Robustness Analysis of Multiple
Extended State Observer Based Controller (MESOBC) for AVR of the Power System”,
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 2023.
2. R Gandhi, D Adhyaru, G Sharma, PN Bokoro, “Dual-Extended State Observer-Based Feedback Linearizing Control for a Nonlinear System with Mismatched Disturbances and Uncertainties”, Energies 16 (7), 3142, 2023.
3. R Gandhi, A Jha, K Bhavsar, “Intelligent and Conventional Methods for SoC and SoH Estimation”,IOT with Smart Systems: ICTIS 2023, Volume 2, Springer, 2023.
4. S V. Gandhi, M. Thakker, R V. Gandhi, “LABVIEW Software for Design and Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization tuned Controller for the Climate Control of Greenhouse System”, 6th Int. Conference on ICT for Intelligent Systems, pp. 399-413, 2023, Springer.
5. S V. Gandhi, R V. Gandhi, and M T. Thakker, “A Decoupler Assisted Optimized Controller Design for Greenhouse System”. Int. Journal of Automation and Control (IJAAC), Vol.16, No. 6, pp. 670-688, 2022.
6. R V. Gandhi, and D M. Adhyaru, “Hybrid Extended State Observer Based Control for Systems with Matched and Mismatched Disturbances”. ISA Transactions, pp. 61-73, Vol. 106, 2020.
7. R. V. Gandhi and D. M. Adhyaru, “Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy regulator design for nonlinear and
unstable systems using negative absolute eigenvalue approach,” IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 482-493, March 2020.

LinkedIn Profile : https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-ravi-v-gandhi-04bab338/

External Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hfmJKJEAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1